Friday, April 3, 2009

Sri Sri: When your right nostril is predominent or more active, then the rate of metabolism is twice! (he asked doctors present there to take this up as a topic for research) So when right nostril is active, food intake is called for! Or Knowledge can be shared. When left nostril is active, then it is appropriate for singing, dance, music and meditation - no talk is required or less talk is preferred. Then there are 5 Upa Pranas - these are responsible for birping, sneezing, yawning, hiccups, twitching of eyes etc. (I did not get all the names but last 2 were Devadatta and Dhananjaya) It is a deep knowledge - how these Pancha Pranas and Upa Pranas enter the body and leave the body. Amazing is the realm of Prana. If you master Prana, you would gain a lot of knowledge on life and environment. In old days or ancient days, beloved or sweetheart was called as Pancha Pran

Sri Sri: You are my heartbeat or sweetheart used to be �You are my Pancha Prana� Prana flows through our body in 186000 different channels or nadis and each of this channel or nadi has a specific purpose or function! This is just to bring to awareness that knowledge on Prana is so vast, what we think we know on breath is nothing! On Gurupoornima Gurudev first shared five signs of a Sad Guru (you would find them in a knowledge sheet as well, let us do some digging through intimate notes to the sincere seekers ) The five signs are - Dukkha Kshay

Sri Sri: Elimination of Sorrow Sukha Aavirbhav

Sri Sri: For no reason happiness blossoms Gyan Raksh

Sri Sri: Knowledge gets protected Sarva Samruddhi - Abundance and no lack in anything in life Sarva Samvardhan - Hidden talents blossom, people who never wrote start composing poetry etc Then He told a story of a young boy. A young buy meditated for a long time so the Creator became happy and decided to bless the boy. So he asked the boy to ask for any boon. The boy said, �Knowledge�. The Creator showed the boy a huge mountain and told him that this is knowledge –

- take as much as you want. The boy - how much he can take? He took four handfuls of knowledge and returned back. The four handfuls then were known as the four Vedas and the boy was called as Vedavyas

Sri Sri: the one who organized Vedas. This is a symbolic story - how the huge mountain of knowledge was and how Vedas are only few handfuls of this mountain. Ayurveda, Atharvaveda, Gandharvaveda are part of Vedas and Upavedas. Then there are Darshanas in which Yoga comes as fourth Darshana. Vast branch of Yoga is just one of the Darshana. Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Sankhya, and then Yoga-Ayurveda. Nyaya Darshana is the practical tool by which one can validate or verify whether the attained knowledge is authentic or not. Such is the expanse of knowledge and Veda Vyasa has done this amazing work of organizing the knowledge. Because of the ultimate importance of His work, any chair of a teacher is called Vyasa�s chair or Vyasapeeth. The full moon of this Indian Calendar Month is dedicated to Vyasa. Full moon indicates fullness. Fullness that comes out of gratitude. So today we feel grateful for whatever we have got, for all the teachers who have given us knowledge. Be a Guru to someone in life. Meaning, give unconditional love to someone, care for them, be a source of light for them. Help and serve them and be available for them. Being a Guru is a good job (laughter). Then He recited a shloka and explained its meaning as well. For a Guru, if desire comes, then it can be as below - Desire knowledge from Siva, desire liberation from Vishnu. Guru will get victory from everywhere. But the highest source of joy for Guru would be when he gets defeated by his own disciple. When his own disciple excels him, that is the greatest joy for the Guru. What all we desire for? Job, health, marriage? Rather than desiring for these small things, desire something big for the planet. Life is not just to eat, sleep, gossip and die. Eat well, sleep well, meditate well, serve well.

life is not just to eat, sleep, gossip and die. Eat well, sleep well, meditate well, serve well. There was a saying in Kannada which means that even if you know what to eat and what not to eat, how to eat, you would attain Govind

Sri Sri: divinity. Gurupooja which is performed at the occassion of Gurupoornima, is done out of this fullness. How Grace flows in life? When you feel grateful - it starts flowing in life. Pooja is like a small ceremony to remember and be thankful for all the ancient Masters from Holy Tradition. (He permitted all those who had learnt Gurupooja to chant it with HIM and meditation after that had us all blown away) When He woke us up from that deep state, He was smiling with a pristine smile of a child! In the evening a bhajan was sung - Ananda lala.. Nanda Lala.. He said - Nanda is blissful Lala is a child - Aanand

Sri Sri: wakeful blissful child.. so awaken that blissful child in each one of you� :-)))))) (By the way, my memory has sort of run out of whatever He may have additionally said.. please fill in the details if you know.) At one other occassion - He told us a story of Buddha which He said He was saying mainly for children. Once a believer came and asked Buddh

Sri Sri: I believe there is God - what do you think? Buddha replied - You are right. The man went. Then an atheist came and asked Buddh

Sri Sri: I think there is no God - what is your opinion? Buddha replied - You are right. Atheist departed. Then a true seeker came and asked - Buddha, I do not know if there is God or not. I would like to find it out. They say you know the answer. Can you help me please? Buddha smiled and said - You may stay back. Perhaps you may find it. Let us find out. Buddha�s disciples who were watching this, got extremely puzzled and asked Him why He gave three different answers to different people. Buddha replied that believer or atheist had already got concepts firm in their mind, believer may not have experienced God and atheist had closed that possibility for himself. Only the third person was a true seeker as he was ready to explore the truth. At another occassion, a YES/Plus student had asked this question. - Do you think the advanced technology such as iPod, laptops, cell phones have made the young generation more aloof, less communicative and drawn to themselves and unsocial? Gurudev answered - Technology need not be associated with you being unsocial or social. You can have an iPod and a laptop and still you would like to mingle and be social and cordial to people around you. Or you may not have any of these gadgets and still be very unsocial. There is no point in giving excuse of gadgets for being unsocial. The two are unrelated. It is up to you how you want to make use of the technology. And craze of anything new does not stay for long. All these gadgets and instruments, iPod, cell phones or laptops and internet may not replace the need of having new friends around you. Even after acquiring the latest gadgets, after a while, you would still want to come and seek friends to share your life with!

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