Q: In our childhood we heard that there is someone named 'Chitragupta' who is talking note of all our actions and is responsible for counting our karma balances. Is that true? Is there really someone who is watching us every moment?
Guruji: 'Chitra' means photo, picture and 'Gupta' means secret, hidden. The self who is witnessing the actions, the conscious mind is referred here to as Chitragupta. You know there is this saying which says, 'Under the foot-print of an elephant, all other marks dissolve'. Therefore under the Guru when are doing your Sadhana and Seva and Satsang then everything else dissolves. Similarly Chitragupta is not the (Malik) God, he is the (Sevak) servant. But I tell you without self knowledge everything is false!!
Q: Meditation calms the mind. It feels good. But in our daily life we have to handle paying bills, parking tickets and other mundane things. How can we do this with the same calm mind without getting irritated or perturbed?
Guruji: You take a shower in the morning to clean your body. After that you do all the daily activities. You don't have to keep on taking a shower throughout the day. It is like that. You meditate and calm your mind, then go on with other activities. It is not easy to keep yourself undisturbed but it will happen as you keep doing the practices regularly. Then it will become easy.
Q: What is meaning of Jai Gurudev?
Guruji : 'Jai' means Victory, 'Guru' means the biggest, the greatest. 'Dev' is the big mind the higher self in you. Sometimes your small self wins and some times your higher self wins. When the small self wins over you, you are miserable. But when the bigger self, the wisdom in you wins, then it gives you comfort, joy, peace and love. So may always the Big Mind in us win. Jai Gurudev means let the greatness, biggest in me win over the small little chattering mind.
Question: If astrology is telling the life of a human being, is there any chance we could change our karma in this present life? Thank you for being with us.
Guruji: Definitely. Astrology Indicates. It just gives you a road map. That's all. But there is freedom too. Always consider the past as Destiny. If you think the past was free-will you become guilty, you become regretful, you become morose. You are very upset thinking of the past "Oh, I could have it done this way. I could have done it that way. I could have�could have..could have�" It is useless. Past should be seen as destiny. Future should be seen as Free-Will. This is wisdom. Wise people do like that.Otherwise, you get caught in regretting the past, and do nothing for the future. You simply sit. We must reverse this tendency. Just doing this one thing will help you to a great extent. Past whatever happened was destiny. Whatever happened happened - finished. And the future is upto you.
Question: I know that something inside of me is hurting me. But I don't want to think about it. How can I resolve all this and be happy without thinking about it.
Guruji : You know when you feel hurt you feel very deep. That's why if you feel some thing deep you also feel a little hurt inside that. In Deep love there is hurt. It is an unavoidable mixture. Hmm. That hurt and that deep love when you transcend them, then you go beyond the duality and peace dawns. Permanent Peace. And only spiritual awakening can bring that permanent peace. Those who have been in the knowledge, on the path, for a long time, you know you don�t feel sad at all. It doesn�t touch. Some thing deep inside you becomes so strong so solid. So when you are in the knowledge then you feel nothing really is touching me. I have many people asking me
"Guruji Why I don't feel upset over any thing now? " They wonder, " Is something wrong with me? I don�t feel the pain, the pinch of suffering of any pain. Someone close to me died and I don't feel any thing. Something is wrong with me!" These sort of questions arise. Those glimpses in life come when you go past that hurt and love. But, first get out of this - "You hurt me. I hurt you. You did this wrong. I did this wrong. You didn't look at me. You didn't talk to me. You didn�t treat me well etc. etc..." All these accusations you should just get out of it.
Question: Does our silence affect the world situation and the numerous conflict in it? Can silence heal not only individuals but societies on the edge of war or are already engaged in it? Yet Jesus said, I bring not peace, but a sword? At your service .
Guruji : You know, the world is a mystery. Of course, your silence, your meditation, definitely can bring peace and make a difference. But if some war has to happen, for the good of the world, it will happen. So, in spite of your prayers, meditation and everything, the war happens, don't be disturbed. Afghanistan war happened. If it's good for the people of Afghanistan, especially the women of Afghanistan. At least now, they are able to walk in the streets. People are able to have entertainment and music. So sometimes, war is good, sometimes it is not good. Leave that judgment to the nature, to God. From your side, you pray for the peace. You meditate, you do your silence and your wish can definitely bring peace. You know, India and Pakistan were on the verge of war. It was sometime on Tuesday morning, they were going to have war. And we had a big Satsang. Sixty thousand people in Bangalore had a Satsang for world peace on Sunday. Something shifted Monday. Monday evening they changed their minds to war. Otherwise, there would have been a nuclear holocaust.
The whole thing changed. The whole world...it was...all the embassy's had taken people out of India, you know? But just in the nick of time, things changed. So we just leave that part to the nature because nature is so vast, so unfathomable, you can not always try to gauge it. You know?
Friday, April 3, 2009
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