Friday, April 3, 2009

Q: Guruji,what happens when women get married ?

Sri Sri: Their Gotra changes after marriage so in that case what is the true gotra, is that your question? When a women gets married she should follow the husbands gotra. However before marriage she can follow the father�s gotra. However in India, we have both patriacal and matriacal societies like in Kerala, it is a matriacal society, the mother�s gotra is followed. In Karnataka, we usually follow the father�s Gotra.

Q:Guruji, Man is intelligent, but why animals lead a more healthy life? They do not suffer diseases and they are in harmony?

Sri Sri:You want to go back to animals!?!?! ?(Laughter) , but you are correct. Animals don�t go to the restaurant in the middle of the night and eat fast foods. Animals sleep at the right time and gets up at the right time. They go for prey every day. They don�t store like man does. Mankind is exploiting nature so much. You know in Bangalore, we grew up with so many sparrows It is almost disappearing now.

Q:(Someone from the crowd): �But Guruji, ashram has sparrows.

Sri Sri: yes, yes, Ashram has sparrows, peacocks, elephants, rabbits; Someone prompts from the crowd: Guruji, monkeys also.
Guruji (laughs): Yes, yes, some in the human forms. We need to preserve the nature. We need to attend to the nature. Too much of this electro magnetic wave, high towers are destroying the harmony in nature. The air, water and land are consistently getting polluted. I was just in Iraq a few days back, you should see the kind of air pollution! It�s tremendous! It�s all a man made disaster. Human beings create fanaticism. Wisdom alone can unite people. Wisdom alone can uplift you and that�s why spirituality is so important.

Q: Guruji, I like this path of Spirituality, Sadana, Seva in the Sathsangh, but sometimes I get bored. Is it alright to get mischievious at times?

Sri Sri: Yes, yes, but not at someone�s cost . You know when you are happy, small things can make you laugh, that is when your mind is stress free. If your mind is stressed you cannot laugh even to a big joke. When I go to retreat programmes. And if I am going up and down in the lift, and in the Lift sometimes people come with me in the lift and they just simply start laughing.

Q: I am not able to do seva and I don�t know why.

Sri Sri: You should know better!!

Q: Guruji, what is your view on the Kaveri Issue.

Sri Sri: I have already given my view to the Government we cannot divide the people in the name of rivers, religion, etc.,

Q: What is success?

Sri Sri: Success follows ability; ability comes when you have skill. And skill comes when you are quite. Real success is when you have smile, and no one can take that from you.

Q: What motivate someone to take decision?

Sri Sri: It is different in different cases, sometimes it is just a smile.

Q: What motivate someone to take decision?

Sri Sri: It is different in different cases, sometimes it is just a smile.

Q: Guruji, what should we focus on commitment towards family or seva.

Sri Sri: Commitment towards the family is the first thing .

Q: Guruji why is Jesus on the cross ?

Sri Sri: Jesus Christ is love. And the cross is the pain. The first experience as a child is pain. When we are inside the mother�s womb, we are happily floating in the water and then after some time, we have to come out through a small passage that is painful. So we cry. Little children then twist, turn and yawn as though they have done a big job. After sometime, they open their eyes and look at the mother and smile that is the first experience of love. Body is made up of carbohydrate, amino acids, but the spirit is made up of love. Like many other prophets, Jesus said to go my father; you have to go through me. But unfortunately some people misinterpreted. �Mana Ekam Saranam Gacchami� � Krishna said. Which means I am the only way, Likewise Buddha said the same thing.

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