Q: Guruji, you said earlier that the ego is useful for action. Is it possible to act without ego?
Sri Sri: Yes. An enlightened person will act without any ego.
See, praising a wise person is useless. They will anyway do good work. They will continue doing good work even if you blame them. Praise a fool -- that will pump up their ego and motivate them into doing good work. Have you noticed, the ego troubles ones own mind more than others?
Q: Guruji, why do so many innocent people suffer in man-made and natural disasters?
Sri Sri: It makes you wonder about whether there is a God or not, doesn't it? More than five hundred people in Bombay this week... You simply have to wonder. You know, you should think about how we can change the bad people into good people. We have to think constructively.
It is also nature's way of telling us to have compassion. Without misery there would be no compassion, is it not? In Africa millions of children cannot afford a square meal. In Washington DC, fifty percent of school children drop out and go into violence. What can we do? How to reinstate goodness and faith in non-violence?
Non-violence is the first limb of yoga. The second limb is truth. Why do we lie? It is because of our fear of losing our reputation and of losing others love. You know why spouses lie to each other? Because if they tell the truth, there will be a fight! When there is a conflict between love and truth, love always wins, that is why spouses lie.
Yogas limbs are non-violence and truth, but yoga also leads to non-violence and truth. See we have done lots of good work in prisons, and in places like Israel, Kashmir... Is Dafna here? We have been teaching in Tel Aviv, and also in the prisons in Israel. And in Iraq. Recently 43 people, mostly women and some men also, were in the Bangalore ashram. They took training for eight weeks, and now they are going back to Iraq to teach various yoga and meditation.
Q: Guruji, I have been having bad thoughts throughout this course.
Sri Sri: That is because of stress, toxins in the blood. Could also be due to some hormonal imbalance. More cleansing will help. Don't be bothered. The more you grow, the more these negative emotions, anger etc. will be intolerable to you. So it is a good sign.
Q: (A question on natural disasters)
Sri Sri: Haan, natural disasters will always happen, no? last year we had 19 water-related disasters around the world. The year before was fire.
Sri Sri: Calamities are part of natures work. The ozone layer is getting depleted, global warming is happening, and so many other things. There is also so much greed. There is an imbalance in the nature. But more than that, it is the stress causing man-made calamities. Terrorism and so on. That is why it is so important to continue doing yoga, meditation, pranayamas, satsang, to uplift the consciousness. And also to teach all these practices to more people. Don't you think so? (Applause.)
Q: Is it possible to attain enlightenment while having physical blocks in the spine?
Sri Sri: Why not? Ashtavakra had eight deformities in his body, and he was enlightened.
Q: Guruji, you are our role model.
Sri Sri: But I model all your roles!
Q: Guruji, who is dearest to you: a sadhak, devotee or an enlightened person?
Sri Sri: Just you!
Q: Why do more enlightened masters seem to hail from India then anywhere else?
Sri Sri: It is just a question of time. At this particular time many masters have come from India. At another time many masters came from the middle east. And at one time many saints were from Europe. See at one time there were many scientists only from the west. Merchants were from Europe. Earlier at one time there were also many saints in China. Why is maple found only in Canada? We don't know! Or bulls in Texas. But it doesn't belong only to that place. Knowledge and wisdom belong to the entire universe.
Q: Guruji, I am very attached to you, but at the same time we do this process of bowing down to the angels to rid ourselves of attachment. How should I reconcile this? Someone from the crowd: Even the angels are attached to him.
Sri Sri: Yeah!
Q: I have noticed that all my botherations are due to the inconsiderate actions of other people. My mind immediately jumps to resentment, judgment, etc. How do I make my mind unshakeable? How do I become accepting of myself and all?
Sri Sri: Once you have recognized the situation in the mind, you are already out of it! You just say, I am going to stand up and smile.
Q: How to love somebody you hate the most?
Sri Sri: First just accept that person. Just accept that they are incorrigible and will never change. Then understand that they are a victim themselves, of their circumstances and their ignorance. Compassion is the next step. See, step by step we have 1, 2, 3. Acceptance, understanding and love.
Q: What is the difference between skill and manipulation?
Sri Sri: Good question. In manipulation, the intentions are not that good. There is viciousness behind the action. In skill the intentions are clear and good. Manipulation leaves you with a guilty feeling. It will pinch you. When you are using your skill your conscience is clear. With manipulation there is dishonesty. You are dishonest to yourself and to the other person. When you are using skill there is honesty. And only you can know the difference! Others can't.
Q: What is the difference between sacrifice and service?
Sri Sri: In sacrifice someone else's happiness is more important than our own.
Q: Does nature always guide us? If I miss the bus on the way to an interview, should I take a cab or look for another job?
Sri Sri: Take a cab to the interview, and if you don't get the job, look for another one!
Q: How to handle financial burden?
Sri Sri: First of all, don't think it is a burden. Have the confidence that you can make it happen. Burden brings worry, and that will kill your creativity.
Q: Guruji, can we have Guru Poornima in Tahoe next year?
Sri Sri: All is possible!
Q: Why must people talk all the time? Even in your divine presence?
Sri Sri: I don't know! I have the same question. Here when satsang is going on, people sit and talk. I don't know what they are talking about. When satsang is happening we should all sit and sing together, no? All the minds come together.
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