Sunday, March 22, 2009

Q: Guruji why does people blow conch?

Sri Sri: Conches were blown at the battlefield to announce war! (Laughter!!) So don�t blow it here. Especially in the night. You can blow it in the morning to wake up people. Ok all the birthdays may come on stage. �He ananda, Nanda nanda.

Q: Guruji, I have all good qualities but milk only one bad habit. Is it ok?

Sri Sri: No certainly not. It�s like one drop of lemon on one big vessel of milk. What will happen? It will go spoilt. You must be aware. You must be careful. Ok? You know and one more thing, since you are all doing Padmasadhana regularly now in your TTC. Some chakras or something inside your body may open up. You will start feeling energetic and very good. All of a sudden you will feel attracted to someone. (Laughter!!) Getting attracted is no wrong. But you will loose your focus from the class! (Laughter!!) Your teacher will go on teaching you something and you will go on looking at that person!! Your mind is occupied! All your love affair, you should have before and after TTC not during the TTC. TTC is TTC. Where you are going through a process. Your interest is only knowledge, knowledge and knowledge!! When I was in California, we were looking for a place to start up a center. We used to say, we need three thin Location, Location and Location!! For the time being keep all your other things aside. It�s a matter of few more days anyways. Ok? Very good!

Q: There is a saying �trees that have its roots up and the branches underneath�.. What does it mean?

Sri Sri: Trees that has roots in the sky and branches downwards.. is that your question? Yeah, that�s an analogy you know, a simile. That is when things are all upside down in that realm. If the tree is growing upwards with its roots down and branches up that is natural. But if the branches are going downwards then it symbolizes adharma. Used like a simile. That means you have to set things right there. In life when things are topsy-turvy to have to keep things straight!! That�s the message there.

Q: Guruji what are the dynamics of bringing peace to this world and to our own personal life?

Sri Sri: First thing is look at the cause of disturbance around you? Why do you get disturbed? So when there is a cause, I am sure you can find a remedy to that. Think how can we be peaceful:
A) get rid of stress
B) Understand the problems of people. Understand you, your own mind and the mind of the others.
C) Accommodate people and their differences. You need to accommodate them.
With all these three we can bridge the gap. Stress brings negativity. If you are negative you tend to make the whole world negative around you. Thus you can only create waves of negativity around you. Do you agree to what I am saying?
So how do we eliminate negativity? There are multiple ways.. Yoga, Meditation, Walking in the nature, attending to the animals. You know walking; sometimes just seeing the sunset helps you to be inward!
Its people and their talking! Useless gossip! We keep passing opinion about other people. This will not allow your personality to grow!
Focus on the food you eat. Do pranayana. Understand your own mind. You see a beautiful girl, and your walking style changes!! Your talking style changes! You are not genuine. You are not well grounded.
Again someone praises you, you start flying! Someone criticizes you, you become depressed! You cannot bear criticism! This shows your weakness! How weak you are from inside!!
Wise will smile at the ignorance of people. You have to educate and ignore. Instead of burning and bruises. Become aware of what you speak. Understand the impact it has on the other person. Even if you are speaking the truth! Like you call a blind man �blind�, that�s a truth, but what kind of an impact is it creating on the other person!! You call a deaf man �deaf�. At least he will not be able hear what you are saying!??! (Laughter!!) But the blind man will!

Every culprit has a victim lying within him. See within yourself! Are you clinging on to the negative? Are you an opportunist? Are you a true friend? Do you have an own agenda in your mind?
This is called Swaadhaya. (Introspection - Looking into the self) And the third thing is Accommodation. Accommodating others. Others way of life. Their culture. Their religion. Honor them. If we do these things, I tell you world will be a better place to live in! There will be so much peace.

Q: Guruji we love you!!!!

Sri Sri: You have no choice!! (Laughter!!) You want to sing more or talk? Talk? How many of you want in hindi? Oh! Ho! We have people from Chattisgargh, Indore.. good good. Are you all comfortable? Too comfortable? (Laughter!!) You know when you are so happy, intoxicated, then nothing is inconvenient for you. But when your mind is disturbed, then even in the most comfortable place also you are disturbed. *

Q: Guruji, At Varanasi, the Devi had four hands. On one had she has a young boy and the other hand she had a man, yet other two hands she had jap mala and a kamandalu� What does it mean?

Sri Sri: Yeh..yeh, that�s the Vishalakshmi Devi at Varanasi. In one hand she is holding her son and by the other hand her husband. The rest two she is holding a japamala which means spirituality and meditations. While by the other hand she is holhing the Kamandalu, which has water, means love. One who is holding love, which can also be the meaning. The Mother Divine is the guardian force. The consciousness is referred to as the mother. And the Mother is seated on, you know rested on a flower; it holds the flower�, which means blossoming�and that is the Shiva Tatwa.

Q:What is the logic behind having so many symbols of different religion in this hall?

Sri Sri: You know art has no logic. Artists wanted to put this, I sad ok put it. These rae the symbols of all religion. Does it look good? Looks good, is n�t it? That�s all!

Q: Guruji, Happy teachers day!!!

Sri Sri: Everyone is a teacher you know that? Like everyone is a son or a daughter or a brother or a sister, similarly everyone is a teacher. Everyone becomes a teacher at some point of time. One who wants nothing but the growth of the disciple, and one who is happy with the growth of the disciple is a Guru. One who does something to uplift someone� But that doesn�t mean from tomorrow you go to somebody and say �ok now I am your Guru, you do �So Hum�!� (Laughter!!) The whole exercise is to become �Nobody� from �Somebody�. And in that little role of that somebody you can play the role of a teacher. We need to be simple and natural human beings. As you move on the spiritual path different ability dawns in you. You know you can bless people and heal people, but you should not use all these abilities to your own use. How many of us are there at the blessing course? Good� good� How many of you have already done the Blessing course? As you bless people, most of the times you are surprised by what happened, right? If happens, so what!?! One must not pay too much attention. These are certain things you should not exhibit. Should not say, �Look I can bless, I can heal!� Simplicity counts. Bhavukta is very important huh. Never go to a level! Must move on.. You know like if a professor is behaving like a professor all the times, how would it be? (Laughter!!) He comes home and he starts behaving like a professor with his wife and his children!! Don�t be a teacher all the time. Your family will find it difficult then! Your family will be tired of you! Oh there he started! You know once at a Basic Course we had a couple who came to attend the course.

Every time the teacher told a point, say, �Accept people as they are�, the husband would immediately turn to the wife and say, �Look haven�t I told you this before. That�s what I am telling you all the time�. (Laughter!!) He is telling his wife but not applying that to himself! Honor everyone. Be natural, and at the same time know the depth of meditation. [image: Your browser may not support display of this image.]

Q:What is the logic behind having so many symbols of different religion in this hall?

Sri Sri: You know art has no logic. Artists wanted to put this, I sad ok put it. These rae the symbols of all religion. Does it look good? Looks good, is n�t it? That�s all!

Q: Dear Guruji, In the 1st cassette of Patanjali Yoga Sutra, you have asked us to think about meaning / connotation of the story. I could not come up with a connotation. Can you help me to unravel the mystery?

Sri Sri: Do not give with it.

Q: Guruji, What is the Heaven? what is moksha? How to attain it?

Sri Sri: When you are in bliss, you are in heaven and when you are miserable you are in hell!

Q: Guruji, Who am I?

Sri Sri: Be with this question; it is very precious

Q: Guruji,why this fear always in my heart?? How can I avoid that forever?

Sri Sri: Fear is nothing but love standing upside down! Through practices and knowledge you can overcome fear.

Q:Why should we keep a smile on our face?

Sri Sri: To keep a smile on your face, only 4 muscles in the face have to work. But, to keep a frown on your face, 72 muscles have to work! Now, you have to decide whether you are intelligent or not !

Q:Dear Guruji, how do we reduce our over anxiety and impatience?

Sri Sri: Through breathing exercises, meditation etc

Q:How can avoid stress from our life?

Sri Sri: You can handle stress through your own breath

Q:I am having a lot of financial problems, hard to meet all expenses..... no house.... can you help me???

Sri Sri: Genuine efforts and sincere prayers

Q:Poojya Guruji, how can I bring my husband to the Art of living?

Sri Sri: Through his friends

Q:How to solve each and every question in our mind?

Sri Sri: By turning them into wonder

Q: One faces a lot of things in life. What is that one thing that one should always remind himself or herself through all the ups and downs of life?

Sri Sri: Save your mind at any cost

Q:My mind is full of tension. What can I do?

Sri Sri: Your own breath has lots of secrets to offer.

Q:Guruji,after all the courses I've done why is it that I still have a long way to go in becoming the person you are teaching the world to be?

Sri Sri: Do not evaluate and judge yourself; You have progressed a lot. Be regular with your Sadhana, Seva and Satsang.

Q:Guruji,I tend to talk without realising sometimes and then realise that I hurt someone or I said something to the wrong person. Often, I observed myself but it does happen again and again. What shall I do?

Sri Sri: It has reduced compared to before. Continue with your practices.

Q:After advance course in Rishikesh, I was doing kriya regularly. After few months I start getting bored and have aversion for it. I don't know why?

Sri Sri: Doing any practise means being in your own company. If you are bored with your own company, then how much boring you must be for someone else! When you were a child you didnt like to brush your teeth. But, now it has become part of your daily routine, right?

Q:Will my desire fullfill?

Sri Sri: Have faith that if it is good for you, it will happen; drop the feverishness.

Q:Will I overcome the present problems and if so when?

Sri Sri: Everything is changing; so, have the faith that this will also change.

Q:Most of the time, we get advice on what we should do. But there is no advice on how to take others' actions which may provocate us.Since everyone can not be a do we account for real life stress and balancing it out?

Sri Sri: When others provocate you, why don't you use the advices on what you should do at that time?!! When you don't have any control over your thoughts or actions, how can you even dare to think why someone else is behaving that way? Knowledge, practices etc will help you to respond instead of reacting ...

Q:I want love. How can I get this?

Sri Sri: Just BE and know that you are LOVED, that is BELOVED ! Don't demand love.

Q:How can we overcome the sad emotions and sad feelings throughout the life?

Sri Sri: Through knowledge and practice

Q:Guruji,what is the faith?

Sri Sri: Opposite of doubt

Q:My wife is a hyper type , for some small thing she creates problem at home. How can I avoid this? When she starts doing it I get stress.

Sri Sri: From your side, be loving. Both of you can learn some breathing exercises and meditation.

Q:To whom should I pray?

Sri Sri: Prayer can happen either out of helplessness or gratitude. Meditation is the supreme kind of prayer.

Q:Guruji could you please explain what is Ego and how it can be eliminated?

Sri Sri: Ego is feeling the separation; don't try to eliminate ego, it becomes another ego ! Just keep it in the pocket.

Q: GURUJI, you are the best.

Sri Sri: - Only best can recognize the best.

Q: A devotee is very happy on getting a GURU, does the GURU feel the same happiness in getting a devotee?

Sri Sri: - Seeing your happiness he gets happiness.

Q: People blindly worship a GURU? Is it ok? Shouldn�t they just worship the divine?

Sri Sri: - Why does somebody adore someone else? In college, rock star, movie stars, sports players are adored. This adulation is part of human nature. Deep inside it is your ability to appreciate and honor good qualities. This adulation of GURUS has come down the ages. In the East, people took pride in their GURUS. There was a lot of respect but it�s missing in the students now. They throw tomatoes at their teachers. We have now gone to the other extreme. When your life is full, you get a feeling of gratitude. You start with the GURU and end up adoring everything in life. GURU is just a beginning. In India there is a festival in October when people worship everything from cars, scooters etc. Everything is venerated. Divine dwells in every particle. In the East the tradition was that before cutting a tree, you have to plant 5 more. An innocent mind sees life everywhere. Life has to be honored, adored. If you cannot do this, then what else is left in life? It is so dry, just eat, drink and sleep. Whenever you praise, the praise goes to the divine. If you praise your GURU, the praise goes to the divine. When you praise someone, you own consciousness is expanding. So for your own sake, adore and venerate others.

Q: A devotee is very happy on getting a GURU, does the GURU feel the same happiness in getting a devotee?

Sri Sri: - Seeing your happiness he gets happiness.

Q: I want a GURU mantra from you.

Sri Sri: -That is there. Sudarshan kriya is there.

Q: You are so wonderful, when can I become like you?

Sri Sri: - First stop attempting to become like me. Second know that I m you.

Q: GURUJI, show me the path.

Sri Sri: - Why? Why shall I show you the path? Im not so irresponsible. Ill take you to your goal. It�s my habit. It�s the age of aero planes and you are talking in terms of bullock carts. You have sat in plane and your flight has taken off. Now, this plane will take you to your destination, you dont need to ask for the path.

Q: What quality should an ideal disciple have? Do you differentiate between disciples?

Sri Sri: - Dont worry so much, just be like a child, and take life with ease. Yes, I differentiate between disciples and you are very special. Each one of you is unique and each one is special, so everyone is different.

Q: How to become a sincere devotee?

Sri Sri: - Just you have to assume that you are really sincere devotee. You give grade to yourself. I am number 1 devotee. Nobodys like me. But don?t think so and so is number 1 devotee and I am number 2. Each one of us should say I am number 1 devotee. Nobodys like me. Then that is how the devotion grows. If you think you are number 2, number 3, number 10, then that much, you will be away from the knowledge. You know this problem is there with many - that after basic course, you continue for sometime then you drop. Then afterwards it becomes very difficult. If you do an advanced course, it will bring you back in the knowledge.

Q: How to get more devoted to you?

Sri Sri: Devotion is like that. Endless. The more you are devoted, you still feel you can be more�.. If someone tells you "Oh I am so devoted". Just know that the person is not. Its like the person is almost climbing down the steps!! The sign of true devotion is that you start feeling endless.

Ask any mother; they just cannot stop giving their daughter!! Everything they find good in the market, they want to secretly procure and give it for their daughter. But they feel that if the same behavior is done to the daughter-in � law, they may get spoilt!! (Laughter). Tell me how many of you feel the same? Raise your hands, how many of you have the same problem in you house? Yeh. But you are not understanding the mothers emotions�this is a sign of deep love. How much ever you do yet you feel less is done.

Q: Why is craving and aversion not correct in the path?

Sri Sri: You know craving causes sadness. If you are caught up in craving and aversion too much then you loose your discrimination. You loose your vision. Your vision gets clouded. Then everything you do becomes wrong. But it can be removed through yoga. Slowly slowly� u can make it a practice. Then one day you will see there is only love without craving.

Q: Beloved Gurudev! Pranams.In Lalitha Sahasranama it is said that chanting Siva's name is 100 times more potent than chanting Vishnu's name and chanting Devi's name even 100 times more potent than chanting Siva's name. You have told us divine is only one. Then how to understand this saying of Sruthi? Please kindly explain as only you can dispell this doubt.

Sri Sri: If you read different puranas, they always glorify that particular deity to which they belong. See ONE in all and All in one.

Q: My dear Guruji,I've done basic course several years ago. I couldn't continue it due to exigencies of service. I'm now retired and doing a private job. I went through a very terrible experience in my life. I met with an accident while riding on my motorcycle alongwith my dearest mom. My mom fell down from the bike and a running bus ran over her and she died in front of my eyes. After a lapse of more than four months, I am still unable to erase the memories of that shocking incident. I want to come out of it. I have to go through the same place again and again and when I reach the place it I get a small shivering. I want to come out of it. Please help me.

Sri Sri: Repeat a basic course. Daily practise of Sudarshan Kriya will really help you to come out of trauma.

Q: When you will get married?

Sri Sri: In India child marriages are banned!

Q: My ambition is go to heaven. how can do?

Sri Sri: When you are blissful, you are in heaven. When you are miserable, you are in hell!

Q: Guruji, I worry about my health - back pain. Every day I am doing kriya. Doctor told me I need operation to remove disc. I didn't decide; please give advice Guruji

Sri Sri: Pray and listen to the doctors

Q: I submitted a query. But didnt get any reply or even acknowledgement till the moment. Please respond.

Sri Sri: Purpose of any question to bring an ''YES'' in the mind...If you can come to that state even without answers that is the best !

Q: I am 42 years old, married since 16 years with no children and my wife is now 36. Do we have any luck of getting children in coming years?

Sri Sri: Have faith in the divine and start feeling that all children in this planet belong to you. Start doing some service.

Q: Every time I am in a dreamworld. What can I do?

Sri Sri: Just wake up !

Q: I am so attached to a married girl. Always i think of her. If somebody speaks to her, I get upset. How can I come out of it, Guruji?

Sri Sri: Through knowledge.

Q: What is sanyasam?

Sri Sri: I am nothing and I have nothing OR I am everything and I have everything .

Q: All time I have tension. How can I get a relief from it ?

Sri Sri: Pranayama,Sudarshan Kriya,meditation etc will help.

Q: Loving Guruji, please explain Love and Life.

Sri Sri: Life is incomplete without love.

Q: What is Love?

Sri Sri: You are made up of a substance called love.

Q: I am always depressed. Sometimes my mood changes suddenly. I don't know what's my problem.

Sri Sri: If you just sit and think,''what will happen to me? how my life is going to be?'', you will get depressed more. Instead of that start thinking,''what I can do for others? How I can make them happy?'', you will see that you will be uplifted in no time. .

Q: What is the spirituality?

Sri Sri: Spirit is Joy..Spirit is Love..Spirit is Enthusiasm. All that which uplifts the spirit is spirituality.

Q: Is there such a thing life after death? If there is no life after death what is the meaning of our existence?

Sri Sri: It is good to have some suspense!

Q: How do I understand swadharma at various junctures so that I execute my swadharma?

Sri Sri: That which gives you long term joy and maybe short term problems .

Q: What does Swastika denote?

Sri Sri: It is a symbol and they are the people who make something out of the symbol. For e.g., the 'Do Not Enter' symbol is only recognized in USA and Europe. It is not known in India and hence it has no significance. The Swastika represents the 4 time zones, also represents the 4 stages in life - in 100 years, first 25 years is for studying (studenthood) , next 25 years is the life of a householder, next 25 years is the time to do service for society, last 25 years is the time for being a recluse - completely detached from everything. There are several such 4s like the 4 Vedas etc. The ancient symbol of Swastika was in the clockwise direction and signified the cyclical nature of time. Hitler changed it make it go in the other direction and perverted the meaning.

Q: What is the meaning of Om?

Sri Sri: Om is the most beautiful sound in creation also referred to as the primordial sound. It is composed of Aa, Oo and Mm. When one goes on top of the mountain and listens to the sound of the wind, one can hear the faint 'Ommmmm'. When one carefully listens to the sound of the waves in the ocean, one can hear the rumbling 'Ommmm' in the distance. Also, reciting Om is akin to doing the 3-stage pranaayaams. The Aa part works on the stomach regions, Oo part works on the chest and Mm works on the upper regions.

Q: Do hearts mend also?

Sri Sri: Absolutely!. First your heart will mend, and then you will be able to mend others' hearts.

Q: What is more important - career or family?

Sri Sri: When you watch TV, what is more important - the scenes or the sound? Both! One supports the other. Similarly, when one has no family, what is use of a career? Career is for supporting one's family. To support oneself, a career is not required. Likewise, when one has no career, how can one support one's family?

Q: Is it ok to talk knowledge to others without following or living it ourselves?

Sri Sri: You know it is not correct, yet you want to know it from me. But what do you know about the depth in other person? Depth in his knowledge!??! People who are falling in a pit are actually teaching you something. If someone is giving you knowledge, keep the man away and take the knowledge. I tell you, you are lucky if even fools around you are speaking knowledge!! At least be happy they are not talking foolish things to you!! This situation is at least better than that!! In English there is a saying 'Fake it till you make it'. For all you know continuing like this one day they may just start living the knowledge by themselves!!!

But we should be compassionate towards such people. Such a person is a beggar. One, who is fishing for appreciation by delivering knowledge to people, is nothing but a beggar. It is like he is trading puffed rice for a gold coin. Just for a 'pat in the back' by someone he is talking out some knowledge, its foolishness.

Q: How to pray? I was raised in a non-religious environment.

Sri Sri: Meditation is the best form of prayer. In meditation you surrender, you say let thy will be done. You may light a candle, chant Om Namah Shivaya.

Q: What is Longing?

Sri Sri: Longing is the sign of love. So don't shorten the longing!

Q: How to deal with arrogant and ignorant people?

Sri Sri: Arrogant people are also ignorant. Arrogant people need to be challenged. If you want to tell them about the course, don't go like a mouse and explain. You can throw a challenge to them 'Maybe in 10 years, you'll be able to do the course. Now you're not mature enough!'

Q: I smile at everyone. Some smile back, some don't. When they don't, I feel a contraction within. Why do you expect them to smile back at you?

Sri Sri: One who cannot smile is a worm. You may be a worm in the gutter or a worm on a silver plate but a worm you are. Whereas a person who smiles, be he in the slums or in the palace, is a diamond. A diamond is precious no matter where it lies. Mullah Nasruddin's story - Mullah all injured and lying in the hospital - friend asks 'how're you?' - response - 'Only when I smile does it hurt' - friend 'How can you smile when you are in such a state?' - Mullah 'If I can't smile now, I have never smiled

Q: Whenever I see a woman, I have a lot of lustful thoughts. Even in sacred places, even in your presence.

Sri Sri: It'll go off. It may happen when you don't have a lot of work. It might also be because of some impressions or samskaras you might have gathered in childhood or in your past births. For e.g. in a burning house situation, would you run out of the fire or gaze at a woman's body? Fear and Greed also have good use. You can use them intelligently for getting over bad habits. E.g. if you smoke or drink , you can tell your self if I smoke or drink I will lose a million dollars. Similarly fear is important. If there was no fear then people would do anything they liked, they would have driven on whichever side of the road. It is required to maintain some orderliness.

Q: If a devotee who is in Seva, Sadhna and Satsang is not able to handle a problem and tries to commit suicide, what do you have to say about it?

Sri Sri: No one who does Seva, Sadhna and Satsang everyday will even have the intention to commit suicide. If someone is not interested and you have made him do the Sadhna then there could be a tendency. But do not blame the Sadhna, Seva and Satsang.

Q: What is lust? How to take control of lust?

Sri Sri: Lust is a desire to seek joy. But when you understand that you are source of joy, and then the desire to lust disappears. But you know the more you encourage lust, the more it catches you and get you to trouble. There are two things that usually people do to handle lust.

A) Try to stop it.
B) Encourage it.

I tell you none of it is correct. Observe a middle path. Observe the mind. Be regular to the Seva, Sadhna, and Satsang and you will see slowly it is not troubling you any more.

Q: What should we do if a trouble troubles us even after surrendering it to the Divine?

Sri Sri: You must repeatedly keep surrendering. Someone asked me Guruji, why should we do Sadhna everyday? That's why we say in that song 'Bar Bar Bali jayo'.. means again and again. Tell me if you exercise of one day will you get ant result? No. you have to do everyday to get some result. Until and unless it becomes your true nature. And I tell you if you keep surrendering a problem whenever it troubles you, it becomes your nature.

Q: What do we do with people who are always complaining and being negative?

Sri Sri: First thing to do is drop the "ALWAYS". Don't generalise and eternalise...we do this. When you miss the exit you say oh I ALWAYS do this, I ALWAYS miss the exit. Do you always mix the exit?? Is it possible?? Stop generalising and eternalising the problem. And then, see... if someone is so negative, is your positivity so weak that it cannot withstand a little negativity???

Q: If there is a God, why is there so much suffering?

Sri Sri: If there was no suffering, to whom will you show your compassion? If everyone is contented, who will you console? In some parts of India where there is so much illiteracy, people go to see movies and they throw tomatoes and even shoes at the screen when the villain does something to the hero. You know it's like saying a director is unjust for making such bad things happen to the hero. If someone said that oh it is such an injustice, you would say but it's NOT REAL!!! See, it is not is all a game...

Q: Is there are predestined time of death or can we influence it?

Sri Sri: See, on the motorway, there are many exits points... you can miss some or you can take some exit... in the end, you will have to take an exit for sure...

Q: You tell us not to have ambition, to be centered and then you tell the young ones to dream. It's such a contradiction.... I am now 30 years old, am I too old to dream, have ambition?

Sri Sri: Look, I will say many things which are completely inconsistent and contradictory. It is then for you to sort it out! [Laughter] To the older ones who get so stuck, I say be content...get out of the mind. But to the young ones, to YES!+, I say DREAM, DREAM, AND DREAM!

Q: What's the difference between sleep, death and meditation? In all 3 we lose our awareness....

Sri Sri: Now, how do you know about death???!! You have not experienced it so let's talk only about what you know! [laughter] No no, in death you don't lose all awareness. Only two senses go - touch and taste... the soul remains as a pitra soul for some time, attached to the family. One day in the life of a pitra soul is 1 year of a human being's life... The soul has a few years rest before it comes back...

Q: What happens after death?

Sri Sri: There should be some surprises. You know you are all so cynical, science makes you so cynical... whatever happens you say oh I know that, I know this... I know it. So because you are so cynical, nature has left some SURPRISE...

Q: What quality should an ideal disciple have? Do you differentiate between disciples?

Sri Sri: Dont worry so much, just be like a child, and take life with ease. Yes, I differentiate between disciples and you are very special. Each one of you is unique and each one is special, so everyone is different.

Q: Please show me the path.

Sri Sri: Why? Why shall I show you the path? I am not so irresponsible. I�ll take you to your goal. It's my habit. It's the age of aero planes and you are talking in terms of bullock carts. You have sat in plane and your flight has taken off. Now, this plane will take you to your destination, you don�t need to ask for the path.

Q: A devotee is very happy on getting a Guru, does the Guru feel the same happiness in getting a devotee?

Sri Sri: Seeing your happiness he gets happiness.

Q: How to become a sincere devotee?

Sri Sri: Just you have to assume that you are really sincere devotee. You give grade to yourself. I am number 1 devotee. Nobody is like me. But don't think so and so is number 1 devotee and I am number 2. Each one of us should say I am number 1 devotee. Nobody is like me. Then that is how the devotion grows. If you think you are number 2, number 3, number 10, then that much, you will be away from the knowledge. You know this problem is there with many � that after basic course, you continue for sometime then you drop. Then afterwards it becomes very difficult. If you do an advanced course, it will bring you back in the knowledge.

Q: How to find a Guru or choose a Guru?

Sri Sri: �Guru� is too big for you to make. If you make �Guru� you are bigger than the �Guru�. �Guru� comes in your life in spite of your refusing or rebelliousness. Don't struggle to make a �Guru�. Just relax. Life keeps changing. Wake up and see. Feel grateful. Give all your garbage to the �Guru�. �Guru� makes gold out of garbage. �Guru� makes a fool intelligent. It is easy to make that change because everyone is made up of
that one thing.

Q: I feel like I want to be close to you and I don't know how. I love you.

Sri Sri: It is good, heart breaks and love flows. In the world out there heart breaks and misery comes, but here when heart breaks, love flows and life blossoms. Good. Just assume you are already close to me and when you are smiling, when you do service, when you are in knowledge - you are so much close to me. And see more and more people get the benefit of this knowledge what you are having. Just turn back and see your life, how much it has changed as you did the practices, the meditations, your Kriya and relate to yourself the person who was there before doing the Kriya. What a big difference. Isn't it? How many of you feel you are not the same person. Almost everybody isn't it, so that benefit, that opening, we need to bring in others life as well, we need to do that.

Q: Can Karma get exhausted by practices?

Sri Sri: If someone is used to chewing gum, if he goes to Singapore for 6 months, he will feel totally out of place for first few days. This is because Singapore has banned chewing gum and importing it is like importing drugs in that country. So first, he would feel a bit strange and then he would get used to it. This is Chewing Gum Karma and he would get over with it. If a person smokes, and he decides to quit smoking - first few days he feels different - his smoking karma gets exhausted after certain days of practice of not smoking. In same way, karma can get exhausted by practices.

Q: What is Gayatri Mantra?

Sri Sri: It is composed of 24 syllables and reciting it positively affects each of the 24 vertebrae in the back. More importantly, it means - bring noble thoughts from all directions. It is actually an expansion of the sound Om.

Q: What do you do when someone thinks you are dumb, because of your acceptance?

Sri Sri: (Wearing a pair of cute pink color large glares). To me the whole world is pink now!! (Laughter) Do you know what does pink symbolize? Pink is the loving, adorable and innocence. If someone feels you are dumb, you need to change your glass. (Sri Sri switches over to a blue pair of glares, which had a blinking blue light. The entire crowd bursts into laughter). Blue indicates vastness. The infinite. (Laughter)

Q: Change is inevitable, change is unavoidable, yet why is it so difficult to handle that change? Why is accepting the situation which is the result of the change alone becomes so difficult?

Sri Sri: Tell me what is the easiest thing to do for you? To accept or not accept. (Laughter!!) Is 'not accepting' easy for you? I don't think so. By 'not accepting' you loose your sleep!! The person who has triggered the event is sleeping well. But it is you who has lost sleep over the event by not accepting it. If you don't forgive you start suffering within yourself. Don't forgive anyone and see the suffering that is happening in you. Is suffering easy?!? No, its not easy. It affects your health. It affects your observation, expression and perception.

Q: There is so much fight between the people from various religions. The Shias are fighting the Sunnis. The Israelis are fighting the Iraqis. There is a war with Lebanon. How can we diminish this war between countries on the basis of religion?

Sri Sri: Only through Spirituality you can remove such differences. All you need to do is just educate, educate and educate them...

Q: Have you ever felt insecure about your looks? How does one overcome that? How do I feel better about myself?

Sri Sri: Are you aware about the story about Ashtavakra - the powerful saint who was deformed in 8 places. When he entered the court of King Janaka all the King's men laughed at him. Ashtavakra said 'I thought King Janaka has surrounded himself with wise men but they are all fools!" When someone is in love with only your looks, what will happen in a few years when the body changes? They are not in love with you they are in love with your looks. They should see the soul connection, honour you for what you are, your qualities...

Q: Do you ever cry?

Sri Sri: My heart cries when I think of young minds that are lost...My heart cries when I think of Virginia Tech. When you are lonely, I feel that. This is such a precious should reach all the young people, all
the schools and colleges...don't you think so?

Q: I am a Marketing consultant. Often I am struck the desire to do intense service (Seva), and my passion, which is marketing. What do I do?

Sri Sri: You are making me a Marketing consultant (laughter!!). You know there is a proverb in China. If you are confused, just take a pillow o sleep. And while you are sleeping, things will happen on its own!! (Laughter!!) In life you will never have to face a situation where you have to make a choice between the bad and the good. The choice is always between the bad and the worse, good and the better, the better and the best. Do you see what I am saying.

Q: The mirage is unreal. It disappears on getting close to it. On the other hand the Maya is unreal but do not disappear on getting close to it. It becomes more and more real with the touch and feel. Why is that so?

Sri Sri: Lets understand first what is Maya? That which is measurable is Maya. For example, light can be
measured, air and sound. Everything that we can measure is Maya. On the other hand you cannot say Oh!
I have I kg of love for him or you cannot say I have 5 liters of compassion for him!! (Laughter!!)...because
it cannot be measured. So Love, Joy, Peace, Compassion cannot be termed as Maya.

Q: What are the realms of existence?

Sri Sri: Oh, there are so many types of existence. (other than human form). There are 5 types � Yakshas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Devas (Angels) and Siddhas - Perfected human beings, prophets.

Gandharvas are associated with musicians and singers. The lives of musicians may not be happy but they bring happiness to many around them - this is a sign of a Gandharva being associated with them. It is like Neon signboards. They show different words at different times. At a time, certain bulbs lit up and show words like 'Colgate', next instance, some different words glow and would show 'Coca Cola' or 'Pepsi'. However the bulbs whether lit or not, are present at all the times on the sign-board. Other realms of existence are just like that.

Q: (From a kid) I have only 3 questions for you. 1. Have you ever seen Krishna? 2. How do you see Krishna? 3. What does it mean, the name Krishna?

Sri Sri: Yes, I have seen Krishna because I am God and THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE...God is love. Krishna has a root in the sanskrit - Akarshan, which means that which pulls you the most. the strongest attraction that pulls you is LOVE isn't it? It is love that attracts everything. Everything is made up of that love... if the earth didn't love you, you would be floating, your feet wouldn't be on the ground.

Q: What is the story behind Gurupurnima?

Sri Sri: Acharya (teacher) gives knowledge and Guru gives height of awareness and makes you alive. Acharya gives information, Guru gives intelligence, an awakened intelligence. Mind is connected with moon. Full moon is completion, the pinnacle. On Gurupurnima, the devotee wakes up in full gratitude. Devotee becomes like an ocean moving in itself. It's the time to come in fullness. It's a time to celebrate. It's also called Vyasa Purnima. Vyasa had given knowledge on each and every subject.

So on Gurupunima you remember all Gurus of the past. It is the day when devotee arises in full gratitude, they turn back and see how they changed and developed in the last one year. They assess what lessons they have learned and how they are growing in knowledge. It's reviewing yourself in knowledge. Mind needs to be reminded again and again, so we review it.

Q: People blindly worship a Guru? Is it ok? Shouldn't they just worship the Divine?

Sri Sri: Why does somebody adore someone else? In college, rock star, movie stars, sports players are adored. This adulation is part of human nature. Deep inside it is your ability to appreciate and honor good qualities. This adulation of Gurus has come down the ages. In the East, people took pride in their Gurus. There was a lot of respect but it's missing in the students now. They throw tomatoes at their teachers. We have now gone to the other extreme.

When your life is full, you get a feeling of gratitude. You start with the Guru and end up adoring everything in life. Guru is just a beginning. In India there is a festival in October when people worship everything from cars, scooters etc. Everything is venerated. Divine dwells in every particle. In the East the tradition was that before cutting a tree, you have to plant 5 more. An innocent mind sees life everywhere. Life has to be honored, adored. If you cannot do this, then what else is left in life? It is so dry, just eat, drink and sleep. Whenever you praise, the praise goes to the Divine. If you praise your Guru, the praise goes to the Divine. When you praise someone, you own consciousness is expanding. So for your own sake, adore and venerate others.

Q:Guruji, is spirituality not selfishness?

Sri Sri:Yes. And that little selfishness is fine. You know if a doctor is himself not healthy then how does he cure hundreds of more people!?!??! Therefore the doctor has to be perfect. Similarly, we ourselves need to have healthy mind and body to ensure that we can in turn take care of many.

Q:Guruji, what do you have to say about the concept of cloning?

Sri Sri:It is not a new concept. Gandhari wife of Dhritarashtra did it. The concept is called test-tube babies today. She got one child. And from the same fetus she made 100 fetuses in pots!! You may call them potty babies�(Laughter)!!! That's how she got 100 children.

Q: I follow Buddhism. I practice the teachings of Lord Buddha and I also do the techniques taught by you and enjoy it. Would there be any conflict because of my diverse practices?

Sri Sri: Conflict is created in the mind. You need not get confused. Buddha's teachings are not very different that what we do here. We focus on the following four things.

a) Maitri: Friendliness
b) Karuna: Compassion
c) Mudita: Being happy for those who are doing big progress.
d) Upeksha: Indifferent towards those who are still doing wrong after having shown the direction.

So friendliness comes with happiness. You cannot be friendly to anyone when you are not happy. Similarly indifference is the biggest weapon to make change in an individual. If you show indifference the person will change. This is the same thing that the Buddha said. And again Jesus said the same thing as well. Aasti, Bhati Preeti, which means Existence, Consciousness and Love respectively. Globalize Wisdom is what we need to do today!!

Q: How does one know whether one has made progress in spirituality in the path?

Sri Sri: What's the sign that you are going from darkness towards light?!? Where there is no darkness at all!!??! (Laughter) But yes, when you feel more confident, You feel there is peace of mind, Hatred disappears, Anger reduces, should disappear actually (laughter).

Since you are fond of perfection, whenever you see that there is a lack of it you tend to loose it. Is n't it?!?! How many of you feel this way!?? You need to just accept and know 'that is how it is'. �And then sense of belongingness dawns in you, You become broadminded. There is a sense of freedom within you, and then you know that you are progressing!

See life is a series of events; you have your moments of joy, moments of pain and sorrow. But you see you move through everything! How many feel that way that things are happening for you? These are some benchmarks on spiritual progress. But the real thing is when you have smile on your face. If you have a long face then just see within. It's not your true nature. Just know that you are not alone. The divinity is always protecting you, is always with you. That notion, that I am not alone will keep you uplifted. Then the tendency to serve will come naturally.

Q: When can we have a fearless, stress free non-violent society?

Sri Sri: We all have to work towards it. Today we need warriors of peace and love, that will put an end to this war. This war is a game. People who are making others engage in this work stun me. People can be so insensitive!! Blinded! Cannot see humanness at all!! Only money, and money is all they can see. Very unfortunate!! People who don't see the truth, do not honour life. They will suffer. A time will come they will suffer. One-day life will just turn around!

Q: How to deal with people who are judgemental?

Sri Sri: Never mind!

Q: my friends tease me. I tell them about meditation. They start teasing me. What do I do?

Sri Sri: Friends tease you? You know what you should do? Face them and tell them on their face, ok now start teasing me. I am all ready to be teased. As they go on, just look into their eyes and smile. If they call you a donkey, tell them, 'yes I am, so I can kick you'. If they tell you, 'you are a ghost'. Tell them,' yes I am a ghost. I am a holy ghost'. Never keep a long face. Stare� Just stare into their eyes and smile at them. If they say, 'Oh you are such a fool!'. Tell them yes I am a fool.

(Guruji making a face, innocent and cute) If they tell you, 'you are a monkey'.Tell them, 'yes I am a monkey. Here is my tail'. (Guruji showing an imaginary tail) Stand up to their teasing. That's why, you know, if you do the YES+ course you become so invincible, that nobody can shake you.
You know in many schools and colleges, children go into depression because of teasing. Some of them even turn physrophenic.

Q: How to overcome the fear of death?

Sri Sri: If you have love in your life then fear reduces.

Q: What are the five signs of a Guru?

Sri Sri: The five signs of a Guru are
a) Dukhakshaya: Misery disappears.
b) Sukha avirvhava: Joy swells up in His presence.
c) Gyanaraksha: Knowledge dawns.
d) Sarva Samvardhana: You become more talented.
e) Samriddhi: You will have plenty.

Q: What is the meaning of Anahata?

Sri Sri: Ahat means clash. Anahat means no clash. Like clapping with one hand. (Clicking) Even to click you need two fingers right? No, only with one finger. Should be no sound. There should be inner sound. Like the ancient people used to hear some sort of sounds in their meditation. You know when they used to sit for meditation. How many of you have had this experience? Of seeing some light, hearing some sound and getting some fragrance!! Yeh! That which is connected to any of the five senses of touch, hear, smell, see, and taste. This is all possible.

Q: How can you think big without being ambitious?

Sri Sri: Thoughts don't come with your permission. They just come and just go. But ambition is something, which stays in your mind for a longer time.

Q: What is witness consciousness? (Shakshi Bhav)

Sri Sri: Wait... (Looking for something on the seat). Wait... (Running his fingers through His hair). Wait..
(Crowd laughs) I did not ask you to laugh, I said just wait.
See what is happening to your mind? That is Shakshi Bhav...the witnessing consciousness. When you are listening without reacting, that is witness consciousness. For example if you are at the airport and there is a flight announcement for another flight. What do you do? Just witness without reacting. Right? Similarly you are at the railway platform with many other people whom you don't know. In a while some trains come and those people get into their respective trains and go. What do think you are doing at that moment? You are simply witnessing. Do you see what I am saying?

Q: Karma vs. free will: how much are we governed by karma and how much do we have any free will?

Sri Sri: You should read Celebrating Silence, its all explained there. Also in the Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker, the first sheet is on that topic.

Q: When the body dies, does the mind go with the soul?

Sri Sri: Yes.

Q: How can we change our karma?

Sri Sri: By experience and wisdom, and some karma you just have to overcome it and work through it.

Q: How to raise kids to not lose their innocence?

Sri Sri: It is good to inculcate human values, love, compassion etc. in children when they are young. It is also important to make them strong. Should not make them too strong, then they become aggressive. At the same time some strength is needed in addition to the innocence, otherwise how will they go through life? Not too strong or innocent. Take the middle path.


Sri Sri: See, I consider that every tree in the planet is in my garden. When the whole world is your family, there can be no homesickness. Feel always at home -- it is all your attitude.

Q: Are there any coincidences?

Sri Sri: Could be -- we cannot rule anything out!

Q:Guruji, what makes ordinary man extraordinary?

Sri Sri:Extra ordinary man always thinks they are ordinary. The moment they start thinking they are extra ordinary, their downfall starts. Every man has immense potential. Don't ever think you are not capable.

Q:Guruji, is it ok to be ambitious?

Sri Sri:Yes yes. Youth should be ambitious. Ambition brings that drive in you to do something. Keeps you moving. But one needs to be careful. Most often people get caught up in their own ambition and forget the other priorities. They become self-centered and become insensitive towards others. We should always have bigger ambition, like making this world totally Pollution free etc.

Q:Guruji, Art of Living is a movement. Is it not possible to move the world by our presence in this planet?

Sri Sri:We have already done it. It is already happened. Go anywhere in the world, China, North America, Japan and just say 'JaiGurudev'!! People recognize you. They immediately acknowledge that you belong to the same family. The one world family. And even if they do not recognize you, doesn't matter. You recognize them. Just feel you are one with them. They are part of your family. You know I was just in Iraq, and when I went, the people felt so full!! So contented!! They were all so full of gratitude!! There was a group of teachers and volunteers; they were all glowing in contentment. It was obvious from their face that they were happy. I mean what kind of stressful life they were living and what they have become now is such a huge transformation!!!!

Q:Guruji, if we surrender everything, good or the bad, hoe does my role come in taking responsibility?

Sri Sri:Take actions but be surrendered. Surrender makes you light. Surrender frees you. Don't think surrender can make you incompetent and inactive. I tell you on the contrary surrender makes you dynamic

Q:Guruji, if we surrender everything, good or the bad, hoe does my role come in taking responsibility?

Sri Sri:Take actions but be surrendered. Surrender makes you light. Surrender frees you. Don't think surrender can make you incompetent and inactive. I tell you on the contrary surrender makes you dynamic

Q:Guruji is loyalty a feeling?

Sri Sri:Loyalty is a mix of thoughts, feelings and the spirit, a life force. When there is a mix of all the three then the expression is loyalty. It is not just the thoughts. Because if it is only thoughts, it will change, thoughts keep changing!! They are a team. All have a team job. Thoughts and feelings have a little contribution in the life force which makes loyalty.

Q:Guruji, in our life at one point of time, we all fall in love and it seems to us at that time that we cannot live without our beloved. But soon that love transform into fear and hatred. Why?

Sri Sri:Love should make you free. When love doesn't make you free it transform into fear and hatred. And how can one become free in love? It's only through knowledge. Go deep into the knowledge, and you will see you only rise in love not fall any more�(laughter)!!!

Q:Guruji, If God has created everyone, including the people who do wrong actions, then how does God punish the people who do the wrong actions?

Sri Sri:He has created the police to that!!! (Laughter) So the police who is also God's creation is doing it. Similarly if God has created the patients, he has also created the doctors to take care!! Got it?

You know in India we have this amazing culture! We say, "Devi Jagaran". Foreigners when they hear this concept they feel strange!! Devi Jagaran means to awake the Divine. Now here they get confused. They say, 'Do you think that God is sleeping, that you need to wake Him'. (Laughter) Then again we do 'Pran Pratistha' means to establish the life force. When the prana settles, only then we can feel God. Humanity is steeping in everyone. The first step is to transform the 'stoneman' into human, and from Human to Godliness. That's the second step. That's why they say, awake the Divine within.

Q:Guruji how much should I do and how much will you take care?

Sri Sri:You do 100% and I'll take care 100%. (Laughter)

i just remembered somebody in our community gave this link.......

it has a huge collection of question n answer wid gurudev

Q:Guruji, if we surrender everything, good or the bad, hoe does my role come in taking responsibility?

Sri Sri:Take actions but be surrendered. Surrender makes you light. Surrender frees you. Don't think surrender can make you incompetent and inactive. I tell you on the contrary surrender makes you dynamic

Q: Guruji, you said earlier that the ego is useful for action. Is it possible to act without ego?

Sri Sri: Yes. An enlightened person will act without any ego.

See, praising a wise person is useless. They will anyway do good work. They will continue doing good work even if you blame them. Praise a fool -- that will pump up their ego and motivate them into doing good work. Have you noticed, the ego troubles ones own mind more than others?

Q: Guruji, why do so many innocent people suffer in man-made and natural disasters?

Sri Sri: It makes you wonder about whether there is a God or not, doesn't it? More than five hundred people in Bombay this week... You simply have to wonder. You know, you should think about how we can change the bad people into good people. We have to think constructively.

It is also nature's way of telling us to have compassion. Without misery there would be no compassion, is it not? In Africa millions of children cannot afford a square meal. In Washington DC, fifty percent of school children drop out and go into violence. What can we do? How to reinstate goodness and faith in non-violence?

Non-violence is the first limb of yoga. The second limb is truth. Why do we lie? It is because of our fear of losing our reputation and of losing others love. You know why spouses lie to each other? Because if they tell the truth, there will be a fight! When there is a conflict between love and truth, love always wins, that is why spouses lie.

Yogas limbs are non-violence and truth, but yoga also leads to non-violence and truth. See we have done lots of good work in prisons, and in places like Israel, Kashmir... Is Dafna here? We have been teaching in Tel Aviv, and also in the prisons in Israel. And in Iraq. Recently 43 people, mostly women and some men also, were in the Bangalore ashram. They took training for eight weeks, and now they are going back to Iraq to teach various yoga and meditation.

Q: Guruji, I have been having bad thoughts throughout this course.

Sri Sri: That is because of stress, toxins in the blood. Could also be due to some hormonal imbalance. More cleansing will help. Don't be bothered. The more you grow, the more these negative emotions, anger etc. will be intolerable to you. So it is a good sign.

Q: (A question on natural disasters)

Sri Sri: Haan, natural disasters will always happen, no? last year we had 19 water-related disasters around the world. The year before was fire.
Sri Sri: Calamities are part of natures work. The ozone layer is getting depleted, global warming is happening, and so many other things. There is also so much greed. There is an imbalance in the nature. But more than that, it is the stress causing man-made calamities. Terrorism and so on. That is why it is so important to continue doing yoga, meditation, pranayamas, satsang, to uplift the consciousness. And also to teach all these practices to more people. Don't you think so? (Applause.)

Q: Is it possible to attain enlightenment while having physical blocks in the spine?

Sri Sri: Why not? Ashtavakra had eight deformities in his body, and he was enlightened.

Q: Guruji, you are our role model.

Sri Sri: But I model all your roles!

Q: Guruji, who is dearest to you: a sadhak, devotee or an enlightened person?

Sri Sri: Just you!

Q: Why do more enlightened masters seem to hail from India then anywhere else?

Sri Sri: It is just a question of time. At this particular time many masters have come from India. At another time many masters came from the middle east. And at one time many saints were from Europe. See at one time there were many scientists only from the west. Merchants were from Europe. Earlier at one time there were also many saints in China. Why is maple found only in Canada? We don't know! Or bulls in Texas. But it doesn't belong only to that place. Knowledge and wisdom belong to the entire universe.

Q: Guruji, I am very attached to you, but at the same time we do this process of bowing down to the angels to rid ourselves of attachment. How should I reconcile this? Someone from the crowd: Even the angels are attached to him.

Sri Sri: Yeah!

Q: I have noticed that all my botherations are due to the inconsiderate actions of other people. My mind immediately jumps to resentment, judgment, etc. How do I make my mind unshakeable? How do I become accepting of myself and all?

Sri Sri: Once you have recognized the situation in the mind, you are already out of it! You just say, I am going to stand up and smile.

Q: How to love somebody you hate the most?

Sri Sri: First just accept that person. Just accept that they are incorrigible and will never change. Then understand that they are a victim themselves, of their circumstances and their ignorance. Compassion is the next step. See, step by step we have 1, 2, 3. Acceptance, understanding and love.

Q: What is the difference between skill and manipulation?

Sri Sri: Good question. In manipulation, the intentions are not that good. There is viciousness behind the action. In skill the intentions are clear and good. Manipulation leaves you with a guilty feeling. It will pinch you. When you are using your skill your conscience is clear. With manipulation there is dishonesty. You are dishonest to yourself and to the other person. When you are using skill there is honesty. And only you can know the difference! Others can't.

Q: What is the difference between sacrifice and service?

Sri Sri: In sacrifice someone else's happiness is more important than our own.

Q: Does nature always guide us? If I miss the bus on the way to an interview, should I take a cab or look for another job?

Sri Sri: Take a cab to the interview, and if you don't get the job, look for another one!

Q: How to handle financial burden?

Sri Sri: First of all, don't think it is a burden. Have the confidence that you can make it happen. Burden brings worry, and that will kill your creativity.

Q: Guruji, can we have Guru Poornima in Tahoe next year?

Sri Sri: All is possible!

Q: Why must people talk all the time? Even in your divine presence?

Sri Sri: I don't know! I have the same question. Here when satsang is going on, people sit and talk. I don't know what they are talking about. When satsang is happening we should all sit and sing together, no? All the minds come together.

Q: Guruji, my mind wonders everywhere how do I meditate?

Sri Sri: Take a stick and start chasing your mind. See where it goes. If it goes to Goa chase it to Goa, if it is going to Bhavnagar, chase it there, if it is going to bhelpuri, chase it to bhelpuri, if it is going to Bhagdad, chase it to Bhagdad�.. Chase, keep chasing and you see your mind is so tired that it will come and fall at your feet. That's why Maharshi Patanjali says meditate on everything, meditate on elements, on Rishis, who are out of craving, even if you meditate on Rishis who are out of craving, you get into meditation. And when you sit for satsang, you get into meditation. But sometimes if you sit for santsang, and you are not there 100%, you count the ceiling, you look here and there. You have to bring interest yourself, You have to bring the juice (ras/ necter) yourself. It is already there, you have to see the one behind. The one who put the juice. Don't think I have to do, I tell you need not do anything its all burning for you, you don't have to lit it at all. When you are in Gangaji, you don't need a shower, when you are taking a dip in the Ganges, why do you need to have a tap and a shower? Become effortless. Just know that I am nothing and I don't want anything. But don't start thinking about it continuously, this is also a Maya.

That's why Adi Shankaracharya says it is foolish to even think that I am Zero.

Q: What is more important- knowledge or devotion?

Sri Sri: They go in hand. Its like a chair� if you pull one leg, the other will also come! Knowledge brings devotion and devotion brings knowledge

Q: How can you incorporate spirituality in daily life?

Sri Sri: The first step is not to think that spirituality is not for daily life. It is not different from daily life. So you don�t have to make an effort and try to incorporate it in your life. Your life can never be away from spirituality, it is only a matter of awareness.

Q: Guruji, I enjoyed my silence, I really found peace. So if I become dumb, will I get moksha?

Sri Sri: (Laughter!!! ) Oh ! God, if you find something good you will go on doing it!??!?! There are so many dumb people in the world, is everybody enlightened. Extremity is a problem in our country. There are some people who keep silence for 12 years. And after that their voice box don't function, looks like almost rusted. They cannot speak God has given an instrument, use it. Otherwise it would get rusted. But don't speak too much, and don't speak less as well. It your words are able to bring happiness, solace, definitely you should speak. Silence is also important. At least two to three times a year. Silence helps us to become more competent, become more courageous and efficient. So do both, keep silence and also speak. If you speak for 24 hours, then you loose your creativity.

Q: If there is Shiva inside us, then why do we do bad things?

Sri Sri: When you do bad things, your Shiva is sleeping. When your Shiva wakes up, He says, �It doesn�t matter. Go ahead and everything will be alright.� He brings back the power, the enthusiasm and the energy to move on and on.�

Q: In business or commerce, we only think about taking or getting, but on spiritual path, it is all about giving. How can we shift from one to the other? How can we remove the feeling of guilt?

Sri Sri: Being on the spiritual path is also about getting � you get so much joy just by seeing the joy in others. So, you do not have to feel guilty. Business is done with the head � you take more and give less. Spirituality comes from the heart � you give more and take only little. So never do business with your heart and spirituality with your head.

Q: We all say that if we are more spiritual, we can be better human beings. How can I be more spiritual?

Sri Sri: Just this question is good enough! From time to time, it will give you many ideas. How can I be more useful? How can I be more spiritual? That very question, that very inquisitiveness, is enough.

Q: Comment about attraction, desire and entanglement. How can we avoid entanglement?

Sri Sri: You are the source of energy. Attraction happens when the energy on you wakes up. It is just electro-magnetic energy. One energy manifests at various points in the body (the seven chakras) as different flavours, different colours. When attraction gets satisfied very quickly, then love does not blossom in life. When attraction is difficult to attain, it turns into love; and when that love matures, it becomes unconditional, it turns into dedication or devotion, the ultimate.

Love and longing go together. If there is no longing, if u kill the longing, then love also slowly dies way. How can you keep the longing alive? By being centered, by being in yourself. Do not get completely lost in the other person, this becomes too much for the other person as well. Getting lost in the other person is called entanglement. If two lines run parallel, with some goal ahead, they will always be parallel, but if they focus only on one another, they will meet, cross and go in opposite directions! So, with attraction, you come together, meet and then separate; but if there is a goal, then the attraction remains forever. That�s why, in life, your charm is never lost when are well-founded and centered, when your attention is on the knowledge.

Love has no completion� because it is infinity. Something which has no boundary also has no completion. Radha is the longing, and Krishna is the love. Sometimes, the longing brings pain. To avoid the pain, you try to fill your space with something, but that pain makes you deep.

Q: What is the greatest responsibility of a human being?

Sri Sri: Every responsibility, whether small or big, is important at different times. Even the smallest task can be done with perfection. You do not have to be a genius� just be simple.

Q: How can I maintain happiness?

Sri Sri: Do not make such an effort. In order to save your happiness, you have to spread it. Share your happiness with everyone. Why worry in this short span of life when there is such beautiful knowledge.

Q: After death, does the soul retain any of the senses?

Sri Sri: Yes. It is very interesting. After death, the soul retains the sight, smell and hearing. Touch and taste will go. The sight, smell and hearing are not retained for ever, but for about eight to ten days. Then the soul goes into a deep state of rest.

Q: Guruji, how do you know this?

Sri Sri: Those who have known themselves know this. You know, it is all in the consciousness. Also this has been recorded in the ancient texts by scholars.

Q: What to do if you have a boss who doesn't recognize your contributions?

Sri Sri: Just smile.

Q: What is dharma?

Sri Sri: Dharma is more than just duty. It is that which uplifts you. Serving, etc. It is that which is your inherent nature.

Question & Answers by Sri Sri

Q: Guruji, how to always keep up with enthusiasm and joy?

Sri Sri: Leave always. If you think of always, then craving comes. If it is always there then you would not even know that it was ever there!! Like you take a dip in a river, you feel cold and when you come out you feel warm, and again do dip in water, you feel cold, and so you experience cold because you experience the warmth.

Leave it to the divine. Our nature is joy and enthusiasm. However sometimes it gets clouded but it can never go. Our consciousness is 'nitya-nutan' (Ever fresh) this is with us forever.

Q: Guruji, after having tried various means I am not able to come out of entanglement what do I do, Please help ?

Sri Sri: It maybe some Karma from the last birth or some samskaras. Do seva . Maharajji was saying that Seva (Service) would definitely remove karma of entanglement. If Seva cannot remove then Knowledge will remove entanglement. If knowledge cannot remove, then Bhakti (devotion) can surely remove entanglement. Even if Bhakti is not able to remove entanglement then leave it to time. With time entanglement will surely dissolve.

But don't just live it to time without trying all the other means (laughter!!) . Do seva be in knowledge, have Bhakti and even after that, if you are not able to get rid of your entanglement, then you just leave it on time.

Q: Guruji, I have been practicing in the Spiritual path for quite sometime, but I still find that I am not able to become dispassionate. To bring about dispassion in me what should I do?

Sri Sri: Don't get caught up in words. These are just all words. I tell you if you are centered dispassion comes to you automatically. Just be centered. Do your seva (service), satsang (company of the truth), and sadhna (spiritual practices) and you will see rest everything is just falling in place for you.

Q: Guruji how do we know that our experiences are authentic? And how do we know that we are progressing on the spiritual path?

Sri Sri: You know doubt always come on that is true. You never doubt depression. You doubt love, whereas you never doubt anger! Therefore if you are having a doubt on your experiences just know that they are all authentic (Laughter!!).

And how to gaze whether your are progressing on the spiritual path or not; see if you have become more compassionate. See if you feel more relaxed and free now. Do you feel free or not? Just see within yourself. See how much does the entire happening around you bother you. Do they bother you like before or not? Does the external events bother you still? Even if they bother you see how much time does it stay for. See how fast you are catching up with your self! You should not think that, oh! I should never get upset! See hoe fast you are coming back to your self! A few minutes of distraction and then you are back. Don't Judge yourself. There is no need to judge yourself. Can you become a student and an examiner at the same time? No. Certainly not! You are learning now so leave the evaluation work to some one else!! Let Him decide, let Him evaluate!! (Laughter)!!

Q: Guruji what is the difference the mind and the soul? And how is it connected to each other?

Sri Sri: The mind is like the wave and the Soul is like the ocean. And the connection between the two is that the mind cannot be without the soul, but the soul can exist without the mind. So in meditation you drop the mind, you become one with the totality that is the ocean. Therefore there are both existing together, the mind as well as the soul, like the wave as well as the ocean.

Q: Guruji after having tried all means, certain worries keep coming to me. I am not able to surrender those. What should I do?

Sri Sri: Why do you need to surrender? I tell you don't surrender, this surrender is an illusion. What do you want to surrender? Anyway everything belongs to God. What is it that is yours and you want to surrender!?? !? It is just a concept, I want to surrender this, I want to surrender that. This is like try catching a cat in a dark room, which is not there(Laughter! !) Just relax; God did not want us to surrender. What to surrender? Don't worry; just know that you are nothing. The path of knowledge is easy for those who are where in the head. If you think you are something wakeup and see, what are you ?!?!?! You are carbohydrate, amino acids, fats, every cell of your body has been existing millions of years ago and is also existing now and you call yourself Radha, Sita, Rama, tomorrow again this form will go and new form will come where will you go.

Walk like being a big zero, but always be on the right side of the number. (Laughter!!! !) I am nobody, I am nothing. These two 'dharanas' intensions, is an antidote to ignorance wakeup and see!!! And the job is done!

Q: Guruji, they say that there are two kinds of people. The first, are the kind of people who ask question out of ignorance. And the second are the people who don't ask question out of ignorance. What would be my category?

Sri Sri:(Laughter!!) At least this you have realized!!! See how wise you are!!! Only a wise can understand such things!! So you are certainly not a fool. You are wise.

Q: Guruji, in my meditation often I get a feeling of doing some harm to the Gods. My mind feels like doing something against them. How do I get rid of such a feelings? What should I do?

Sri Sri:You know if it is so compulsive, so obsessive you do it. Just go ahead and do it. But that way you are going to hurt yourself! Hurt your hand! God is not in the statue or the idol in front of you, God is in your heart. We invoke God and bring it to the statue for some moments only and again we place it back in our hearts. Like the Ganapati idol, we put it in the water. First we invoke the God in the idol, play with that for some time and after all that tell him to come back to us and reside back in our heart!!

But yes. If such a feeling persists, just observe the sensation. See what is happening within you. You know these types of violent tendencies also come because of the food you eat. All these are the Rajashik (Restlessness) tendencies that come from food. Focus on you diet. Be aware of what you eat. Stay away from Rajasik food for sometime. Food does matter a lot. Listen to Narada Bhakti Sutra. Rejoice in the self�.Be contented.

Q: Guruji, they say that if you are with Narayana then Laxmi follows. So should we not follow Lakshmi?

Sri Sri: Some people don't understand this. I would say pray to lakshmi. If you don't pray to either but just do some show off with some rituals, then that is of no use. Then you land up being nowhere!! I would say, do 'upasana' (prayer). If you do upasana, then how do you get corrupt and dishonest? Don't blame wealth, pray to wealth.

Q: Guruji, why do we want to spend time more with the person, we are in love with?

Sri Sri: It would be unusual if you don't want to spend time with the one you are in love with (laughter)!! Similarly when you love yourself, you spend time with yourself. When you do that, it becomes meditation. Then it is wonderful.

We like everything else, but ourself. The one who is resting inside, love that, know that!! Some people say oh ! I am bored with myself, cannot spend two hours alone. If you are bored with your self, how much boring will you be to others!! If you are not able to spend time with yourself, how will you manage to spend time with others? If you get to spend time with yourself, then I tell you are lucky. You will be contended. When this feeling comes, then no power in the world can make you shake and cry. Then Bhakti (devotion) comes, mukti (freedom) comes and then moksha (liberation) happens. Two hours you cant spend alone!! You start sending sms to your friends; you start calling them, talking, restless.

Know yourself by yourself. "Khudi khud mein khud ko pao�."